This weekend we took the boat out to the sand bar on Lake Maurepas. There’s a few little bars along the lake/river that hubs has never been to so I’ve been wanting to introduce him to this redneck yatch club lifestyle.
We spent all day out on the water! We packed lunch and snacks in my favorite sea foam green yeti ice chest to picnic on the sandbar. We made a couple stops at local bars. It was necessary to take hubs to Prop Stop Inn to introduce him to their famous worm bucket drink and compete in the water balloon toss contest. It was also really nice catching up with an old friend I hadn’t seen in over a year.
Sun Buns bar
Prop Stop Inn
Prop Stop Inn
Worm Bucket at the Prop Stop
water balloon toss contest
Hubs took full advantage of the opportunity to point out that if his boat had power poles it wouldn’t have been drifting at the sand bar. Clearly he is dead set on power poles as his next toy. He’s close to breaking me with his insistence of using “power pole down!” in every conversation.
When we got back to the boat launch we saw a trailer for a company that does yoga on the water! I wanted to go find where they were set up but hubs insisted you most likely have to schedule that in advance. I shall be checking that out really soon!
I could barely hold my eyes open by the time we got home. I had great plans for grilling chicken wings and trying it a new homemade sauce for dinner. That definitely didn’t happen. I passed out on the sofa within seconds of getting home. But it was a super fun day and one that will surely be repeated a couple more times over the summer.
The Mr. & Amanda