Dream Big

Happy Friday everyone! If Friday wasn’t enough of a reason to get me perky it is also game day! Pelicans game day! Y’all I’m loving the Pelicans #doitBIGGER hashtag slogan thing. Why? Because one of my very favorites is “DREAM BIG” and I instantly thought ‘that’s the second half! Dream big do it bigger!’ So that’s been rolling around in my head for a while now.

Today I got up early went to get Pj’s and enjoyed breakfast from the downtown river view benches while watching the sun come up. Alright so it may have been a bad idea because I didn’t want to leave my perfectly wonderful spot with the antique brick pavers and iron benches along the gorgeous dirty brown water of the Mississippi River to go to work. But it did give me a minute to formalize my new favorite “dream big do it bigger” saying, write this post, and share it with you. 


DREAM BIG DO IT BIGGER on this wonderful Friday everyone!  And go pelicans!!!



